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Software Licensing specialists Bitscape Infotech India and Dutch Quexcel sign partnership
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Software Licensing specialists Bitscape Infotech India and Dutch Quexcel sign partnership
Software Asset Management and Licensing specialists Bitscape Infotech Pvt. Ltd. – based in Ahmedabad India – and Quexcel – based in Lichtenvoorde the Netherlands – will start a partnership per May 1st 2015. Both companies are strong knowledge based licensing specialists with global operating customers. The partnership consist of a Global Licensing Specialist Expert Circle, collaboration in conducting Software Asset Management and Licensing Consulting and knowledge exchange.

Modern customers operate globally
The modern office is not restricted to just one building. Especially for midsized and large organizations. More than once these organizations have branch offices in different parts of the world. This means that when conducting a Software Asset Management project or Software Licensing Consultation both national and international copyright laws apply. The only way a consultancy firm can consult these customers correctly is to have extensive knowledge of these laws and legislation. Both Bitscape Infotech and Quexcel have the knowledge needed and by exchanging licensing and copyright law knowledge they are able to serve global operating customers appropriate, even better.

Global Licensing Specialist Expert Circle
Peter van Uden, founder of Quexcel: ‘We started the Global Licensing Specialist Expert Circle early 2015 and are happy to welcome Bitscape Infotech as the second licensing specialist. The Circle consists of just one licensing specialist per geographical region exclusively and is based on knowledge exchange. Software licensing consulting firms can only outstand in the marketplace if the collaborate intensively. The Circle has contacts at a strategic level within major software vendors like Microsoft, Citrix, Symantec and many more. Our combined customers profit of very short lines and together – licensing experts and vendors – we are able to quickly resolve any licensing issue.’

Both Dutch based Quexcel and India based Bitscape Infotech have global operating customers. Kartik Shah, CEO of Bitscape Infotech: ‘That’s correct. And when one of our customers has a small branch office in Europe it is not economically justified for us to fly over to investigate this branch office when conducting a Software Asset Management project. We feel comfortable to have a strong licensing partner in Europe to help us out.’ Beside the collaboration Mr. Shah is also very pleased with the knowledge exchange and exclusive membership of the Global Licensing Specialist Expert Circle.

Customer Centric
All the initiatives are set up with the outside to inside focus. Peter van Uden: ‘The only way to serve our customers the best way we can is to place them in the center of all activities. Either workshops, consultancy, knowledge events and SAM projects. By doing so we need strong international operating software licensing specialists. The world is changing rapidly, so are customers and customer needs. With the new signed partnership between Quexcel en Bitscape Infotech we are confident that we will be ahead of the speed of change of our customers and in that way are able to give them the best advice and service available in the marketplace today.’
More information on both companies and the partnership at and
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